Teacher Resources

District Approved Videos 

The district provides an approved DVD list.  Middle schools can only watch PG rated videos on the approved list with signed parent permission forms.  For a full list of approved videos, parent permission forms, and forms to request adding videos to the approved list check here.

Class Novels

The library has a collection of class novels that you can use with your students. Click here for a listing of the novels we have available.  You can assign a novel to read as a part of their outside reading requirement.  Stop by the library and we will be glad to make suggestions for a class novel that will work for your class.  If you have a title in mind and we do not have it, we can always ask if another school will lend it to us.

Educational Video Collection

The library has a collection of educational videos in most subject areas.  Come in and check it out!

References for Students and Staff

The library offers reference resources to students and staff.  For a full listing of what we have to offer including databases and much more, click here.

Safari Montage

 The district has a license for a teaching resource called Safari Montage.  You can search for videos, images, audio clips (and more) by subject area or by teaching standard.  This will surely be a great addition to your teaching toolkit. Your username and password are the same as the one you use to log in to your school computer. To access this resource, type this in your browser address window:
